
Super Junior’s Leeteuk and Heechul were involved in a minor car accident recently, rumored to have been caused by overly zealous fans who chased them in their cars. Today, we are reporting on what appears to be a rather serious incident involving member Yesung and a fan’s lightstick during their “Super Show 3“ concert in Singapore.
A fancam from the concert captured the incident in its entirety. In the clip you can see the members of Super Junior freely roaming about their stage while singing ‘Wonder Boy,’ when all of a sudden, a fan threw their light stick towards the stage, making a direct hit with Yesung’s face.
The impact caused Yesung to double over while clutching his face, and it’s caused many to wonder if the projectile had hit him in the eye.
If the fan had thrown the lightstick to get their attention, she got exactly what she wanted, but I’m sure she got the attention of surrounding E.L.Fs as well.
Check out the footage below, the accident occurs at 3:19.[这个视频我挖不下来= =]
Everyone, it can be really exciting when you’re close to your idols, but please take a moment before you let yourself get carried away. Throwing something, chasing them down, and invading their personal space – these actions are disrespectful, and dangerous besides

from : AllKpop




荧光棒是拿来摇的 不是拿来举的 而且丢上去的还是红色的 ? .....

先是特澈的车祸 后是荧光棒事件

歌迷看到偶像激动是属正常反应 但是也不能冲动到把荧光棒往上丢吧 ?

还连环追车 SJ也不希望这些事情发生吧...

希澈也说了 不希望自己的生命会毁在接受爱的同时

爱他们就不要伤害他们  确保自己的安全也确保他们还有工作人员的安全

盲目地追星 只会让外人更加不理解我们 何必呢



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